Glenwood is a place where everyone is valued and life is celebrated.
About us
From the moment you walk through the door, you just know this is a really special place - Glenwood feels like home, a happy home. The Glenwood difference lies in its founding values.
Established in 1964, Glenwood continues to be owned and operated by a charitable trust, the Glenwood Anglican-Methodist Trust.
Glenwood is a not-for-profit organisation where all income is invested back into the home and village for the benefit of our residents, and is based on Christian values of love, care and respect for all peoples.
These core values ensure all of us at Glenwood are resident-focussed, encouraging independence and individual choice as much as possible while providing the highest quality standards of care and safety within a stimulating, homely environment.
Here at Glenwood everyone is valued for the unique person they are and their lives are celebrated.
Glenwood is a not-for-profit Trust formed in 1957 jointly by the Anglican and the Methodist churches in compassionate response to a need for new aged care facilities in the South Canterbury community. Established on the Christian values of love, respect and care for all peoples, no matter their beliefs, race or status, these values continue to underpin everything we do - day in, day out. Glenwood has been proudly and successfully serving the needs of our elderly for over 50 years.
Our Values
- What we stand for
Glenwood Volunteers
Glenwood's Christian roots have meant the home has always had close links with both the local Anglican and Methodist communities in Timaru. Each of these wonderful church groups has two volunteers who have joined the Friends of Glenwood. The Friends of Glenwood have supported the activities in the home by both volunteering their time - serving our residents at Happy Hour each week - and working alongside residents at times. The Friends of Glenwood help in other ways too, such as raising money for items needed in the home. Glenwood is always very grateful for their help and support to the residents.
At Glenwood we also enjoy the services of volunteer musicians and singers who are rostered across the year and provide lively entertainment for Happy Hour. Some volunteers have skills in other areas and usually we can find some way of enhancing the lives of our residents through utilising their talents.
Glenwood would encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a volunteer, or even joining Friends of Glenwood to contact us and have a chat about what they may be able to offer.
We believe:
Everyone Matters - everyone (resident, family, staff or visitor) is treated with respect, kindness and honesty. We recognise everyone is a unique individual and we embrace diversity.
In Excellence - at Glenwood we strive to achieve and maintain the highest possible quality standards in clinical care and service, always focussing on each resident’s individual needs.
In Family - Glenwood is our residents’ home. We work hard to create a welcoming, warm, secure environment where residents actually feel at home; where they can spend time with their own families and where other residents and staff come to feel like family too.
In Celebrating Life - our residents are real people; all have had amazing, interesting and diverse lives - had their share of happiness and sadness and all that life embraces.
At Glenwood we encourage our residents to look back with pleasure, enjoy today in all its fullness, and anticipate tomorrow with joy.
Partnering with the Police Managers Guild Trust https://pmgt.org.nz/
Established in 1997 as a charitable trust, the Police Managers’ Guild Trust provides straightforward, useful information that helps people avoid becoming victims of crime and works toward a safer community for you, your families and your businesses.
The Trust achieves this by educating communities through the use of its annual Police Managers’ Guild Trust Journals, this website, social media and through strategic alliances with the business community.
These cover themes such as Drug and Alcohol awareness, Family Violence, building a Safer Community together, Better Parenting, Crime Prevention, and Child Safety (see topics on left menu).
Publications are approximately 40 pages in length. 4.5 million Journals have been distributed free of charge since inception to the public in all 13 policing districts throughout New Zealand.
This is made possible with thanks to over 20,000 local businesses, which support the Trust through sponsorship and advertising. The money raised from advertisers helps with the production and distribution of the journals as well as the ongoing development of our crime prevention educational resources.
Additionally, the Police Managers’ Guild Trust has returned in excess of 3.5 million dollars to New Zealand communities with impetus to reduce the impact of crime.